
From thickest pastes to highly viscous liquids and shear-sensitive media’s pumping solutions for food and beverages industry are not only required to handle various applications  but are also expected to do maintaine highest standards of hygiene and safety. In Roto Food Grade Pumps, all metallic parts in contact with the media being handled are fabricated in smooth finish stainless steel. These pumps are provided with metal bonded aseptic food grade elastomeric stator resistant to oil & fats. Roto Pumps are designed to maintain absolute hygiene and are among the easiest to clean and maintain.

  • Washed and chopped pre-heated fresh tomatoes are transferred to fruit mill having rotors and stators to make the initial puree.
  • The puree is then transferred to the pulping unit where tomatoes outer skin and seeds are separated from the puree.
  • The tomato puree from the pulping station is transferred to cooking tanks for boiling to avoid quality degradation. The cooking tank also works as a mixture where the spices, salts or other required ingredients are added into the puree.
  • Next, the puree is transferred to the finishing unit where excess fibers and particles are removed by using screens.
  • The finished puree is again reheated at high temperatures to achieve a smoother consistency.
  • The ketchup is then transferred to sub storage vessels and then to filling machines at high temperatures of above 880C to avoid contamination.
  • The filling machines transfer the ketchup in containers which are sealed immediately to retain the product freshness.

Roto Pumps Applications in Tomato Ketch-up Production:

  • Transferring pre heated fresh tomatoes to processing mill
  • Transferring initial raw tomato puree from processing mill to cooking tanks
  • Transferring de-seeded pulp to inline pasteurizer unit & then to mixing vessel
  • Feeding mixing vessel tomato paste to cooking kettle followed by transfer to storage tank

Processing of honey is a four-step process.

  • Firstly, the honey is heated in a sump tank at 480-490Celsius to dissolve the crystals.
  • Next, the semi-processed honey passes through the filtration unit where pollen, foreign materials and wax are removed.
  • Thirdly, the honey is flash heated (for 7 seconds) up to 73.80 Celsius in Sieve Tank and brought back to 48.90 Celsius to destroy yeast and other bacteria.
  • Finally, the honey is sent to settling tank at atmospheric temperature to cool down where it is kept for a few days before sending to bottling facility.

Roto Pumps Applications in Honey processing plant:

  • Transferring semi-processed honey from sump tank to filtration unit
  • Transferring pollen and wax free honey from filteration unit to sieve tank
  • Transferring filtered honey from sieve tank to settling tank and then to bottling unit.
  • Sorted grapes are fed onto mechanical press which produces must (grape juice having skin, seeds A& solid) by crushing grapes. White winemakers quickly crush and press grapes to remove skin, seeds, and solids to prevent unwanted color and tannins from leaching into the wine.
  • The must is then transferred for fermentation where wild yeast or commercial cultured yeasts are added to ensure consistency. The fermentation process continues from 15 days to 1 month or more until all the sugar is converted in alcohol and dry wine is produced.
  • After fermentation, the wine is processed in clarification tank to remove dead yeast cells, tannins, and proteins.
  • The clarified wine is then transferred to multiple settling tanks for aging process( 2-3 months in each tank) where red wine is kept at 120 C to 160 C and white wine is kept at 00 In settling tanks unwanted debris is settled at the bottom and are eliminated while wine is transferred to the next stage settling tank.
  • Finally, the wine is aged in stainless steel tanks and then transferred to the bottling and packaging unit.

Roto Pumps Applications in Wine Production:

  • Transferring must from mechanical press to fermentation tanks
  • Transferring wine from fermentation tanks to clarification tanks
  • Transferring wine from clarification tank to multiple settling tanks to remove debris
  • Transferring clean & filtered wine to stainless steel tanks
  • Extraction of Herbal Raw material is boiled with Gooseberries in stainless steel tank until the volume of liquid is reduced to 1/4th.
  • Gooseberries fruit-pulp is fried with cow’s ghee in a steam-jacketed vessel with stirrer – Addition of cow’s ghee to Gooseberries pulp & continuous stirring of Gooseberries
  • Process of stirring and frying is continued while sugar is added in a steam-jacketed container with gooseberries pulp and cow ghee
  • Powdered herbal raw material & honey are added to Gooseberries fruit-pulp in a steam-jacketed vessel with a stirrer.
  • Finally the chyawanprash is sent for Filling, Packing, and

Roto Pumps applications in Chyawanprash production:

  • Transferring boiled gooseberries pulp from stainless steel tank to steam jacketed vessel
  • Transferring Chyawanprash from steam jacketed vessel to storage tanks
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