
Roto Progressive Cavity Pumps are designed to handle free flowing viscous abrasive fluids for wide spectrum of applications. These pumps have single rotating element which helps in delivering uniform, metered and non-pulsating flow. These pumps are also available in wide throat configurations.

Flow – Up to 500 m3/hr
Pressure – Up to 48 bar
Viscosity – Up to 3,00,000 cSt

Crude Palm Oil Transfer from Oil Tank to Vertical Clarifier

  • Gentle pumping ensuring low shear – Minimal emulsification of oil laden water thus increasing the separation efficiency which leads to easier and faster separation of oil from water.
  • Reduced OLWB at both Underflow and Waste Stream from the Sludge Centrifuge.
  • Improved OER which can result in to direct financial gains.
  • ROI of less that 2 months from both CAPEX and OPEX perspectives of the equipment.

Pumping Skimmed Oil from Sludge Pit

  • Cutomised vertical pumps available as well for easier installation and maintenance.
  • Can handle the skimmed oil without any emulsification thus facilitating easier separation.
  • No necessity for Priming Tank / Foot Valve even in horizontal configuration.
  • Can handle entrapped air / vap

Pumping POME from MRE Sump to Anaerobic Lagoon

  • Gentle / low shear pumping ensures that the biological microbes present in POME are not sheared thus ensuring an efficient and stable treatment of POME during the anaerobic phase.
  • Eliminates sedimentation of lagoons by efficient pumping of solids along with the liquid.


  • Can handle thick slurries without any fear of clogging.
  • Can be supplied as a mobile unit for ease of operation.
  • Cost effective as compared to the conventional desludging methods like using the excavator.

Bio Sludge

  • Can handle wide consistency of sludge.
  • Gentle handling ensures that the biological stability of the process is efficient.
  • Can be installed horizontally without any foot valve which often gets clogged thus reducing maintenance.

Gentle pumping ensures that the oil quality remains unaffected.

  • Constant flow against varying suction head.
  • Can be used for tank bottom sludge as well.
  • Can pump over a long distance efficiently consuming less motor power.

Waste Water Treatment







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